
eventually correct with Patrick Deutsch

If you enjoyed some of the stuff I wrote, you can buy me a coffee ☕️, I’d really appreciate it! Thanks!🙏

How I play parallel.life

Well, not having any Windows pcs. I gave it a run on Parallels (I know a bit meta playing Parallel on Parallels for mac). The experience was quite buggy. It could have been my home network with a bottleneck, but it really felt like issues with running it inside virtualization. Note, I’ve run this on a MacBook Pro and a Mac Studio. It, was a crap shoot on both. If I was going to be able to play a match on either system, there was always considerable lag.

All the cool kids are running NixOS

All the cool kids are running NixOS My first intro to NixOS was a demo that an engineer ran through in my companies DevOps guild. My first thoughts are and still mainly consist of why are you not just dumping that into a container which also provides a deterministic, reproducible output. In general, I put NixOS on the back burner as I explored the funky town that is buildpacks novelty government cloud provides.

Why does my internet suck?

Why does my Internet suck? Early my career, working from home was really a novelty, so I didn’t really care too much about my Internet. The TV works, I could play online matches of Halo. Life was great! Though, I do not miss the hours I spent idling in traffic, or my existential thoughts around the decades of politics that were involved for my manager to navigate and acquire an entire row of end cubes with a corner view of the flatirons.


Here are my bakers ratios I use for making bread. Usually dump a ton of toasted sesame seeds into the mix. Zourjishi White Bread weight ingredient bakers % 300 g flour 100% 225g H20 75% 21g sugar 7% 6.9g Milk Powder 2.3% 5.76g Salt 1.9% 16.15g Butter 5.3% 3.5g yeast 1.1% 18 g potato starch 6% #blog

Rustdesk Fargate Service?

I have a couple scenarios in which I manage remote machines. I have a headless mac studio and some linux desktops that I remote into on my local network. Also, I occasionally need to support a family office situated across the country, this process is usually over FaceTime. I’d like to get to a scenario where I have a trusted service I could rely on to broker that connection. 99% of the time is primarily spent using Apple’s native Remote Desktop Client.

It's still day 1...

Backstory How does one self manage their thoughts, time, aspirations, or memories? Recently, while I was Facetiming my brother I noticed that he had hand written notes on one of his hands. I had an instant flashback to high school where I often did the same thing for tracking phone numbers, assignments, or just drawing a face (though my brother is nearing his 30s). I realized i’ve been hacking through ways to track and tame my brain’s musings, upcoming tasks, and memories for years.